You Should Be Doing This Monthly on LinkedIn!
If you use LinkedIn actively, you need to be doing a few things monthly in order to maximize your benefits from the platform. These have to do with maintenance of your contacts and your profile, as well as making sure your profile shows you in the best light. In this...
What and What Not to Include in Your LinkedIn Profile
Every hear the phrase, “TMI” or “too much information”. Every now and then I’ll read someone’s profile where I feel like they’ve included too much. Now, frankly, it’s usually the reverse. Normally, if there’s a content problem with a profile, it’s that the user has...
Three Mistakes You’re Making With Your LinkedIn Profile
When it comes to marketing on LinkedIn, the number one most important part of the process is getting your profile right. What I mean by that is the following. 1. You want your profile to be complete. 2. You especially want your profile to pre-sell you!I see a lot of...
Is LinkedIn Facing Competition from Facebook?
On the surface, it seems that LinkedIn and Facebook are polar opposites. LinkedIn is a professional, work-based app that people use to network and find jobs. You don’t post your pictures from your latest vacation on LinkedIn, as you do on Facebook, and you don’t post...