Classified ads are the new secret method to rank your website or offer on the first page of Google! The ad provides you with more option of buying and selling in these categories. In classified ads there is no bidding, therefore you are required to tag you product or services the price you want to receive it for and not the starting price, unlike in the auction listing style.
Click Here to Post To Post To Over 500,000 Classified Sites Quickly and Reach Page One of Google!
How to Post Classified Ads Effectively
Posting a classified ad is very easy and is completely free in most of the marketing sites. When posting a classified add you should look for a marketing website that has high readership potential. This will enable you to get a buyer or seller very fast. I will show you how to post classified ads on two popular marketing sites; eBay and Craigslist.
When posting on Craigslist, use the following steps:
1. Go to the Craigslist homepage and choose a local website to post your ads. It can be state, city, province or country.
2. Click the link on you right top corner of post to classified link.
3. Select category and subcategory of your ad
4. Now write you ad in the required format. Review the ad you have just posted and make any needed chances
5. When you are done, click the continue link.
6. On the next page, read all the term and conditions and click on accept.
7. Check you email for the publication message of your classified ad from the craigslist. You can access you publication form from the link in the email message.
8. Once you are done with reviewing your ad, confirm the ad publication by clicking on the publish button. Your classified add will appear on Craigslist within 15 minutes.
Important Tips: Always use the same email for a particular category. For example, if you have three emails registered on Craigslist, use one for a specific market and the other ones for their own purpose also. Your ad remains on Craigslist for up to 45 day since its posting, but you can always renew the advertisement.
eBay Classifieds
The following are simple step by step instructions when posting classified ads on eBay:
1. Go to eBay homepage
2. Click advance search leaving the field blank then click search also leaving the field blank.
3. Under format drop down box, click on the classified ads link then click show. This will appear on the right of the drop down box.
4. Choose categories that do not zeros, this are the only categories that accept classified ads.
5. To set up you classified ad on this categories, click on sell link and describe your product.
6. Continue to the page where u will be required to select you category and select category that allows classified ads.
7. Proceed to the page entitled ”Sell: Create Your Listing” scroll down to a section named How you are selling.
8. You should be able to view your advertisement. This will only be possible if you have selected the category that allows classified ads.
However, Craigslist and eBay are only two websites that you can use. Six of the most powerful classified sites are:
So how can you leverage all of these websites and generate tons of sales by increasing your website listing to page one of the search engines?
Posting hundreds of ads on all of these websites per month will be a monumental task! Instead you can simply use Classified Submissions to submit your ad to over 500,000 websites!